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TEDxOilSpill fills in gaps of missing info on oil and the environment

Just in case you couldn't make it to the TEDxOilSpill conference held in Washington, D.C., here's what the event's two founders, Dave Troy and Nate Mook, had to say about it.

Here's an excerpt:

"There's sort of this void right now with information coming out of the Gulf," says Nate Mook. "Something catastrophic has happened. Most people don't understand the underlying issues that led to this happening. They're really not aware of the all of the complexities behind their getting into their car and driving � it's brought to the forefront a lot of things that have been on the sidelines for a long time � with our oceans, with how important the marine eco-system is, with where we are getting our energy, what are we putting at risk, and � new technologies being developed."

Read the entire post here.
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