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Baltimore Named One of 25 Drunkest Cities

For those of you who spend Friday nights carousing in Federal Hill bars, your efforts have not gone unnoticed. 

The Daily Beast has named Baltimore one of the top 25 Drunkest Cities of 2012. Alas it only came in at No. 13, beating out Philadelphia, but coming in behind Washington, D.C., which earned a respectable ninth place on the list.

Boston earned the top spot, followed by Norfolk, Va., and Milwaukee, Wisc.

The Daily Beast, with the help of a market research firm, examined data on the number of alcoholic drinks per month each adult consumes in each of the metro areas. It says it also pulled data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the number of folks who are classified as heavy drinkers and binge drinkers. You can see the entire list here

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