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Joblink Explores Personal Employment Search

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Among many employer-oriented job search firms in the Baltimore area, there are few that name job-seekers as their exclusive clients. Joblink of Maryland operates on a different model from headhunters and many online services that provide access to job-seekers but depend on large companies for revenue. Executive Director Elliot Lasson says, "Joblink is important because it's a resource available to job-seekers who may not have experience looking for a job in 2011, or 2010, or 2009." These past few years have created major waves in the Maryland job market and dislodged many career employees from positions they held for decades -- dating back to before Monster.com was a glint in anyone's eye.

Joblink is staffed by people with master's degrees and above in fields related to human resources, and they provide personal services to job-seekers at no cost. Joblink draws its resources from donor and grant support, because it is a non-profit organization. In the course of assisting candidates with online tools and offline connections, Joblink has developed a broad picture of the local employment scene that includes the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program that is expected to draw 16,000 jobs to Maryland.

Writer: Sam Hopkins
Source: Elliot Lasson, Joblink Executive Director
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